
NMR Spectroscopy

NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials - Wasylishen, Ashbrook & Wimperis, 2012

Solid-state NMR - Apperley, Harris & Hodgkinson, 2012

Introduction to Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy - Duer, 2010

Understanding NMR Spectroscopy - Keeler, 2010

Multinuclear Solid-state NMR of Inorganic Materials - MacKenzie & Smith, 2002

Principles of Nuclear Magnetism - Abragam, 1961

Principles of Magnetic Resonance - Slichter, 1996

Magnetic Resonance in Metals - Winter, 1971

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (OCP) - Hore, 2nd ed., 2015

NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry (OCP) - Iggo, 2000

NMR: The Toolkit, How Pulse Sequences Work (OCP) - Hore, Jones & Wimperis, 2nd ed. 2015

Basic One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy - Friebolin, 2010

Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Levitt, 2nd ed., 2008

Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Guide for Chemists - Sanders & Hunter, 2nd ed., 1993

The Chemical Consequences of Nuclear Spin - Wheatley, 1970

Structural Chemistry

Structural Inorganic Chemistry - Wells, 5th ed., 1984

Solid State Materials Chemistry - Woodward, Karen, Evans, Vogt, 2021

Inorganic Chemistry - Housecroft & Sharpe, 4th ed., 2012

Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications - West, 1st ed., 1987

Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications - West, 2nd ed., 2014

Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction - Smart & Moore, 4th ed., 2012

The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids - Cox, 1987

The Jahn–Teller Effect - Bersuker, 2006

Transition Metal Oxides: An Introduction to Their Electronic Structure and Properties - Cox, 1992

Perspectives in Structural Chemistry, Vol. I–IV - Dunitz & Ibers, 1970

Inorganic Materials Chemistry (OCP) - Weller, 1995

Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods (OCP) - Brisdon, 1998

Nonstoichiometric Oxides - Sørensen, 1981

The Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model - Brown, 2006

Intercalation Chemistry - Whittingham & Jacobson, 1982

Structure and Dynamics: An Atomic View of Materials - Dove, 2003

Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids - Singleton, 2001

Introduction to Solid-state Theory - Madelung, 1978

Essentials of Inorganic Materials Synthesis - Rao & Biswas, 2015

New Directions in Solid State Chemistry - Rao & Gopalakrishnan, 2nd ed., 1997

Inorganic Crystal Structures - Hyde & Andersson, 1989

Crystals, Defects and Microstructures - Phillips, 2001

Chemical Bonding in Solids - Burdett, 1995

Phase Transitions in Materials - Fultz, 2014

Inorganic Ion Exchange Materials - Clearfield, 1982

Diffraction & Crystallography

Elements of X-Ray Diffraction - Cullity & Stock, 3rd ed., 2001

Crystal Structure Analysis: Principles and Practice - Blake, Clegg, Cole, Evans, Main, Parsons & Watkin 2nd ed., 2009

Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures - Müller, 2013

International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A: Space Group Symmetry - Aroyo, 6th ed., 2017

Space Groups for Solid State Scientists - Burns & Glazer, 3rd ed., 2013

Fundamentals of Crystallography - Giacovazzo, Monaco, Artioli, Viterbo, Milanesio, Gilli, Gilli, Zanotti & Ferraris, 3rd ed., 2011

Introduction to Crystallography - Sands, 1975

The Rietveld Method - Young, 1995

Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data - David, Shankland, McCusker & Baerlocher, 2006

X-Ray Diffraction Procedures for Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials - Klug & Alexander, 2nd ed., 1974

Applications of Neutron Powder Diffraction - Kisi & Howard, 2008

Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Physics - Furrer, Mesot & Strässle, 2009

Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter, Vol. I and II - Lovesey, 1986

Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and Solid State Diffusion - Hempelmann, 2000

Incommensurate Crystallography - van Smaalen, 2007

Batteries & Electrochemistry

Linden's Handbook of Batteries - Reddy, 5th ed., 2019

Advanced Batteries: Materials Science Aspects - Huggins, 2009

Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications - Bard & Faulkner, 2nd ed., 2001

Understanding Voltammetry - Compton & Banks, 3rd ed., 2018

Understanding Voltammetry: Simulation of Electrode Processes - Compton, Laborda & Ward, 2013

Intercalation Chemistry - Whittingham & Jacobson, 1982 (also appears in Structural Chemistry)

Electrode Dynamics (OCP) - Fisher, 1996

The Art of Electronics - Horowitz & Hill, 3rd ed., 2015

X-ray Spectroscopy

Introduction to XAFS - Bunker, 2010

XAFS for Everyone - Calvin, 2013

EXAFS Spectroscopy - Teo and Joy, 1981

Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach - McQuarrie & Simon, 1997

Principles of Instrumental Analysis - Skoog, Holler & Crouch, 6th ed., 2006 (newer eds available)

Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry - Skoog, West, Holler & Crouch, 8th ed., 2003 (newer eds available)

Thermodynamics in Materials Science - DeHoff, 2nd ed., 2006

Computational Thermodynamics of Materials - Liu & Wang, 2016

Solid State Physics

Principles of the Theory of Solids - Ziman, 1972

Introduction to Lattice Dynamics - Dove, 2005

Solid State Physics - Ashcroft & Mermin, 1976

Introduction to Solid State Physics - Kittel, 8th ed., 2004